== Changelog == = 4.2.3 = * Fixed: Uncaught TypeError: round(): Argument #1 ($num) must be of type int|float, string given * Reduced top-rated post query cache to 1 hour. * Re-added common functions used by other plugins/themes. = 4.2.2 = * Further improved the top-rated posts database query and added caching. = 4.2.1 = * Fixed top-rated posts widget not working correctly. * Improvement: add rating customization metaboxes to posts edit screen by default. * Improve top-rated post widget appearance. * Removed redundant datatable CSS. * Remove deprecated jQuery codes. = 4.2.0 = * Added [ratemypost-top-rated] top rated shortcode. * Added Average rating column to post edit listing page. * Added sorting to Stat page. * Improved top-rated widget query especially for site with large posts. * Improvements: Ensure rating metaboxes in post edit screen are shown only when necessary. = 4.1.2 = * Fixed sorting by rating in Analytics. * Removed redundant sorting from stat. = 4.1.1 = * Fixed bug where feedbacks didn't show up in post edit screens. * Fixed DB error due to absence of primary key in table. = 4.1.0 = * New admin dashboard design. * Fixed PHP fatal error triggered in rare rating cases. = 4.0.2 = * Fixed bug where ratings not working if recaptcha is enabled. = 4.0.1 = * Pro: [Bulk-Rating Tool](https://feedbackwp.com/docs/#Bulk_Rating_Tool) to add rating to posts without votes. * Fixed bug where ratings were not recorded in some cases. = 4.0.0 = * Fixed partial saving issues. = 3.4.5 = * Fixed bug where a private post could be rated. = 3.4.4 = * Improved compatibility with latest WP and PHP 8. = 3.4.3 = * Security fix - reported by [Patchstack](https://patchstack.com/) * Change compatible to version = 3.4.2 = * Security fix - reported by [Patchstack](https://patchstack.com/) = 3.4.1 = * Added JS method to manually init single widget - thanks to [Alfredo Arena](https://github.com/alfredoct96) = 3.4.0 = * Removed jQuery dependency on frontend - thanks to [Alfredo Arena](https://github.com/alfredoct96) * Ditching support for IE * Improved performance - thanks to [Alfredo Arena](https://github.com/alfredoct96) * Added option to disable clear post cache - thanks to [Alfredo Arena](https://github.com/alfredoct96) = 3.3.9 = * Security fix (proper escaping and sanitization) = 3.3.8 = * Optimized query for stats table - thanks to [Alfredo Arena](https://github.com/alfredoct96) = 3.3.7 = * Fixed issues with Mutex on some server configurations - thanks to [Thomas Wünsche](https://github.com/bzrk) = 3.3.6 = * Fixed PHP 8 deprecated features = 3.3.5 = * Security improvements = 3.3.4 = * Amp style improvements - thanks to [milindmore22](https://github.com/milindmore22) * Top rated posts widget now uses smaller image size * Added filter for image size in top rated posts widget = 3.3.3 = * Preload fonts * Full compatibility with WP 5.8 = 3.3.2 = * Style fix: Fix empty spaces added by CSS changes in WP 5.7 * Compatibility with WP 5.7 = 3.3.1 = * Bug fix: Properly encode social media share links * Improvement: Added fallback image for schema * Compatibility with WP 5.5 = 3.3.0 = * Improvement: AMP Compatibility mode is no longer BETA and comes with style * Improvement: Ratings on archive pages are no longer shown for excluded posts * Improvement: Ratings on archive pages have an additional class if post hasn't been rated yet * Improvement: Added admin notices if additional configuration is required * Other small improvements = 3.2.1 = * Removed several PRO version templates which were added in the latest release (not used by the free version) * Updated migration tools - it now works with the latest release of YASR * TTF font is no longer used * Fixed compatibility with Messenger Customer Chat by Facebook plugin = 3.2.0 = * Bug Fix: Some rating widget strings could not be translated in the multilingual compatibility mode * New feature: Added option to re-init rating widgets for compatibility with infinite scroll plugins, popups etc. * New feature: Danger Zone allows deleting all plugin data except the settings * Improvement: Social media links now have rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" attribute * Improvement: Added a filter to top rated posts query - it is now possible to only display top rated posts within a category * Improvement: RTL compatibility * Improvement: Better handling of feedback tokens * Updated NPM packages = 3.1.0 = * Fixed issues with feedback token on some server configurations * Added double vote protection via user id (applies to logged in users but not admins) = 3.0.0 = * Renamed to Rate My Post - WP Rating System * Code refactor, many parts have been rewritten * Shortcode accepts post id parameter * Average rating is now stored in post meta * Allows multiple rating/results widgets on a single web page * Possible to change max rating - for example to 10-star rating system * Allows overriding templates for complete customization * AMP Compatibility is now stable * New hooks * Better performance * Simplified settings * Some features have been discontinued (read above) = 2.10.3 = * Bug fix: Post titles were not shown in the analytics section for websites with many posts * Added installation instructions = 2.10.2 = * The plugin is now compatible with Divi theme = 2.10.1 = * Improvement: Strings in emails are now internationalized * Bug fix: Custom results text feature didn't work unless "ajax load results" was enabled * Bug fix: Fixed some warnings for older versions of PHP * Bug fix: Better compatibility with wpautop = 2.10.0 = * Improvement: Ajax is no longer used on page load unless enabled in the advanced settings. You SHOULD ENABLE Ajax Load if you are using caching plugin OTHER THAN: WP Super Cache, LiteSpeed Cache, WP Fastest Cache, WP Rocket or SG Optimizer * Improvement: Prevent accidental votes now applies also to non-touch devices (see documentation to apply only to mobile) * Improvement: Filters for email subjects and texts * Improvement: Uses custom font for better performance (before FontAwesome was used) * Improvement: Modernizr is no longer used * Updated js-cookie library to version 2.2.1 * Added link to the documentation in the about section = 2.9.2 = * Fix: Included the supported structured data types for rich snippets * Fix: Some strings were not translatable * Improvement: Filter for email * Improvement: Hooks were added to AMP template * Improvement: Option to also show results on the front page or main blog page = 2.9.1 = * Bug fix: Migration from KK star ratings did not work with KK star ratings version 3.x.x * Added LinkedIn social share icon = 2.9.0 = * Bug fix: Archive pages stars appeared also in widgets and such * New feature: Option to prevent double votes via IP = 2.8.1 = * Bug fix: Saving settings did not work on some installations * Bug fix: Don't show rating/results widget on AMP pages unless AMP compatibility is enabled * Bug fix: Escape html for structured data * Updated POT file = 2.8.0 = * New feature: Analytics submenu - see details about each vote * Improvement: Define minimum votes for the top rated posts widget * Improvement: Stats have been moved into submenu * Improvement: About plugin section * Other minor improvements and bug fixes = 2.7.0 = * Improvement: Redesigned feedback functionality * New feature: Delete each feedback * New feature: Migration tools for YASR and WP-PostRatings * Other minor improvements and bug fixes = 2.6.0 = * Bug Fix: Feedback widget not working with social share icons enabled * Developer feature: Hooks in social widget and feedback widget * Developer feature: Rating icon class filter * Developer feature: Function to output the stars for any post * Developer feature: Function to get top rated posts * Improvement: Queries use less memory * Improvement: Support for half stars on category pages * New feature: Option to align the rating widget * New feature: Trending posts widget = 2.5.0 = * New feature: Option to show ratings on archive pages * New feature: Option to allow only logged in users to vote * New feature: Option to add social share links instead of social follow links * Bug Fix: Backslashes in texts * Functions for developers and new hooks * Improved code = 2.4.0 = * New feature: Set who can manipulate votes * New feature: Option to enable reCAPTCHA v3 protection * New feature: Migration tool for kk StarRatings * Bug Fix: Do not revert ratings on post update * Bug fix: Rich snippet was added to AMP * Other minor bug fixes = 2.3.0 = * New feature: AMP compatibility (BETA) * New feature: New types of rating widget (smileys and trophies) * New feature: Filters for strings in all widgets * Improvement: Enhanced security * Improvement: Prevent cache issues on save settings * Other minor improvements and bug fixes = 2.2.1 = * Bug fix: Different handling of cookies as current implementation in rare cases (server configurations) caused errors in case that too many cookies were present in user's browser * Bug fix: Modernizr library is optional as it conflicts with some themes * Other minor bug fixes = 2.2.0 = * New feature: Automatically add rating and/or result widget to custom post types * New feature: Option to only count negative votes if feedback is left * New feature: Option to prevent accidental votes on mobile (button to confirm rating) * New feature: Event tracking via Matomo thanks to smik2002 * Improvement: Feedback can be easily deleted by clicking a button in meta box * Improvement: Better compatibility with older browsers such as IE * New feature: Option to delete all plugin data on uninstall * Improvement: Added non-minified js and css for developers - not used by the plugin * User request: Add class to rating widget if cookie is present * Portuguese (Brazil) translations thanks to douglasferraz89 = 2.1.3 = * Bug fix: iOS requires double tap if hover texts are enabled * Bug fix: Custom hover color does not disappear after the click if custom rated color is not inserted * User request: Append class to the main div after rating so that the whole widget can be easily hidden after vote * Improvement: Stars stay highlighted only until the response from server is sent back (if highlight the stars feature is enabled) * Improvement: Improved stats section - search and sorting * Minor bug fixes = 2.1.2 = * Improvement: Vote count and links to posts in emails * Improvement: Option to not load FontAwesome * Improvement: Compatibility with FontAwesome autoreplace (icons to SVGs) * Improvement: Better compatibility with various themes * Improvement: Event tracking with Google Analytics (tested with GA Google Analytics, MonsterInsights and Google Analytics by ShareThis plugins) * Bug fix: On mobile hover-color of stars does not disappear after vote until user taps somewhere else * German translations thanks to Stefan (smik2002) = 2.1.1 = * Fix: Added missing POT file for translations * Fix: Support for multilingual websites * Improvement: Custom thank you text is displayed after vote * Improvement: Interaction with the rating widget is not possible after vote * Improvement: Stars stay highlighted after vote (only if "color the stars in rating widget" option is disabled) * Improvement: Option to disable headings in rating widget * Improvement: Option to display descriptive rating under the stars on hover (tooltips have been discontinued) = 2.1.0 = * Improvement: Rewritten frontend ajax * New feature: Recalculate vote count and average rating after vote (enabled by default, but can be disabled) * New feature: Set border color, border radius, border width, background color and stars spacing * New feature: Customizable vote count and average rating text * New feature: Supports half stars * Minor improvements = 2.0.2 = * Minor improvements * Bug fix: On some websites the rating widget did not show = 2.0.1 = * Bug fix: Plugin crashed on some server configurations = 2.0.0 = * Rewritten in OOP for easier scalability * New feature: In addition to stars, supports thumbs and hearts * New feature: Change stars, thumbs or hearts size * New feature: Change stars, thumbs or hearts color * New feature: Option to not show the results in rating widget * New feature: Define what is negative and what is positive rating = 1.1.6 = * Bug fix: Option to color the stars in rating widget works only if results widget is enabled = 1.1.5 = * Option to color the stars in rating widget according to the post rating = 1.1.4 = * Structured data for rich snippets * Results widget (shortcode or automatically before every post's content) * Security improvements = 1.1.3 = * Compatibility with custom post types = 1.1.2 = * Does not allow to submit empty feedback * Custom notice if the feedback is empty * Allows you to reset ratings = 1.1.1 = * Fixed "division by zero" warning = 1.1.0 = * Customize section allows you to customize plugin to your liking (strings, font size, margin etc.) * Exclude from feature allows you to exclude ratings from certain pages and posts * Disable cookie feature * Supports Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin * Other minor improvements = 1.0 = * Initial release